Belayab Motors

New and used cars shop

Welcome to Belayab Motors

When you shop at Belayab Motors and Auto Sales, you can expect nothing short of an excellent experience. We offer a wide selection of new and used cars offered at competitive prices so you can find exactly what you’re looking for.  We will offer all the assistance you need and provide a hassle-free experience that you’re sure to enjoy at our car dealership.

Contact us Now

Are you interested in one of our cars? You have a question?
Give us a call or send us a message.

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday

08.00 - 17.00

Saturday - Sunday

12.00 - 19.00

Emergency Service

24 Hours

We are Located

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Benefits of  working with Addis Market.

  • Car Dealers will have dedicated business page with contact info and locations.
  • Dealers can post Car for sale Ads with Discounted price.
  • Extra support from our website Admins.

If you are a Car Dealer Contact Us today to add your company on Addis Market